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We take your privacy seriously

When someone in your life passes away, the last thing you want to worry about is giving your details to someone you can’t trust. Here at Evermore Funerals, we want you to know you can trust us. We treat the sensitive information you share with the highest levels of confidentiality and are careful to only share with trusted parties directly related to the funeral process.


Evermore Funerals Pty Ltd (hereafter also “us”, “we”, “our”) is serious about protecting your (hereafter also “you”, “their”, “client”) privacy. 

1. Acceptance of this Policy
By giving us personal information, you (including those appointed by you to give us information) give assent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and permit us to use your personal information as indicated in the Policy below.


2. How we collect your information, what we do with it, and why

In order to organise funeral-related products and services for our clients, we may need to collect and store personal information about you, the deceased, their family, and other details of those requesting our services. We collect this information in different ways, including via posted letters, phone calls, email contact, and through documents given to client families for completion. This information collected by us may include such details as names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, bank account details, funeral bond account information,  next-of-kin details, and more.

We may use your personal information for a number of funeral-related purposes, such as (but not limited to) the submission of documentation to government agencies, and other legal and commercial entities as required. Your information is also used internally within Evermore Funerals for administrative and logistical purposes.


We often work with third-party suppliers and other service providers, to provide some of our services (e.g. florists, funeral insurance companies, doctor’s surgery staff). Personal information provided to third parties is given in good faith, for the express purpose of rendering requested products or services, to fulfil your requests. We will never intentionally give your data to third-party marketing companies.

In the case of national and international repatriations, we may also be required to disclose personal information to relevant embassies, consular officials, airline and cargo service representatives, along with a funeral service provider at the intended destination.

3. Data Security Measures
We take great care to ensure that the personal information you give us is protected. Your information will be recorded and used only by our team of professional staff, who are trained specifically in the importance of keeping your information private and confidential. Physical documents are stored in locked security storage in our secure facility. Scanned and electronic documents and all other data is stored on our computers or in secure offsite ‘cloud storage’ services. Our computer equipment is state-of-the art, secure, and password protected. All information stored or transmitted by us electronically is guarded by sophisticated end-to-end encryption technology.

Sometimes we may be contacted by family and friends of the deceased or Next-of-Kin to make enquiries relating to the funeral-related services which have been arranged. We are unable to give our personal information or other details related to the service in such cases. To protect your privacy, we may take the contact details of those contacting us and pass those details on to you. You retain the right to authorise us to supply the requested information to those contacting us, or to deny this.

4. Data Security Breaches
In the event of a suspected breach of data involving your personal information, we will immediately assess the extent of the suspected breach and ascertain whether the breach is likely to result in harm to any individual whose data has been compromised. If there is a likelihood of serious harm, we will make reasonable efforts to notify affected individuals immediately via email, printed mail, or phone calls. We may also contact the police or other relevant authorities and organisations to inform them of this breach.

5. How to correct your personal information
You have the right to know how much information we store about you, and whether that information is accurate. To request access to personal information or to seek correction of it, individuals can contact us using the details at the end of this Policy.

Reasonable requests for access to, removal or correction of, personal information will be responded to promptly. If removal of information is requested, some essential information may still need to be retained in order for us to comply with applicable laws and regulations, or to fulfil obligations of a contractual nature made by us. Ordinarily, to release any information held by us, we would seek the express written permission of the deceased’s Next-of-Kin or authorised signatory whose name appears on the original documentation used at the time the funeral services were arranged.

6. Changes to this policy

From time to time we make changes to this Privacy Policy in order to make it easier to read, and to keep it up-to-date with emerging legislative requirements. We will always endeavour to make the latest version of this Privacy Policy available on our website.

7. Feedback Surveys
Most usually, a client will receive a Service Satisfaction Survey after a cremation or burial has been arranged and completed. Completion of this survey will help us gain valuable feedback from our client families and will help us to improve our services in the future. There is no obligation to complete this survey, and you will receive no follow-up correspondence from us if you do not choose to complete it. If you decide that you do not want to receive any further information or communications of any kind, please advise us using the details at the end of this Policy.

8. Privacy-related Complaints
If you have any questions or complaints about this Policy, or the manner in which we collect, store, or use your information, please direct this to our Operations Manager using the details at the end of this Policy.

If you'd like to know more about your rights in relation to privacy, feel free to visit the Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website at

9. Contacting us about the Privacy Policy
If you would like to ask further questions about our Privacy Policy, please email us at  
Please put the words “Privacy Policy” in the subject line.

Alternatively, you can send a letter via the postal service, addressing it in this manner:

The Operation Manager
Evermore Funerals Pty Ltd
3/27 Kingtel Place
Geebung, QLD, 4034

(07) 3544 6880

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